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· 13 min read

What are the best practices to learn iOS / Swift in 2020?

Are you learning iOS development? Looking for Swift best practices? This is the right place to start your journey as a mobile application developer.

· 4 min read

Custom views, input forms and mistakes

Just a little advice about creating custom view programmatically and the truth about why form building with collection views sucks.

· 4 min read

A simple HTTP/2 server using Vapor 4

Get started with server-side Swift using the Vapor 4 framework. Learn how to build a really simple HTTP/2 backend server.

· 7 min read

How to write services for VIPER?

Not everything is a VIPER module. In this article I'll show you how do I separate the service layer from the modules, using Swift.

· 10 min read

How to build SwiftUI apps using VIPER?

In this tutorial I'll show you how to combine SwiftUI with the VIPER architecture in a real world iOS application example.

· 4 min read

Picking and playing videos in Swift

Learn how to record or select a video file using a video picker controller and the AVPlayer class, written entirely in Swift 5.

· 4 min read

What's new in Vapor 4?

Vapor is the most popular server side Swift web application framework. This time we'll cover what's new in Vapor 4.

· 6 min read

Swift init patterns

The ultimate guide how to init your Swift data types, with the help of designated, convenience, failable intitializers and more.

· 4 min read

URLSession and the Combine framework

Learn how to make HTTP requests and parse the response using the brand new Combine framework with foundation networking.

· 7 min read

Promises in Swift for beginners

Everything you ever wanted to know about futures and promises. The beginner's guide about asynchronous programming in Swift.

· 5 min read

Building input forms for iOS apps

Learn how to build complex forms with my updated collection view view-model framework without the struggle using Swift.

· 1 min read

Uniquely identifying views

Learn how to use string based UIView identifiers instead of tags. If you are tired of tagging views, check out these alternative solutions.

· 4 min read

Mastering the VIPER architecture

Learn how to master the VIPER architectural design pattern, with some protocol oriented programming techniques using Swift.

· 8 min read

VIPER best practices for iOS developers

In this tutorial I'm going to show you a complete guide about how to build a VIPER based iOS application, written entirely in Swift.

· 5 min read

Styling by subclassing

Learn how to design and build reusable user interface elements by using custom view subclasses from the UIKit framework in Swift.

· 9 min read

Beginners guide to functional Swift

The one and only tutorial that you'll ever need to learn higher order functions like: map, flatMap, compactMap, reduce, filter and more.

· 5 min read

Picking images with UIImagePickerController in Swift 5

Learn how to get an image from the photo library or directly from the camera by using the UIImagePickerController class in Swift 5.

· 7 min read

How to use the result type to handle errors in Swift 5?

From this tutorial you can learn how to utilize the do-try-catch syntax with the brand new result type to handle errors in Swift.

· 6 min read

All about the Swift Package Manager and the Swift toolchain

Learn everything about the SPM architecture. I'll also teach you how to integrate your binary executable into the Swift toolchain.

· 4 min read

Lazy initialization in Swift

Learn how to use lazy properties in Swift to improve performance, avoid optionals or just to make the init process more clean.

· 1 min read

Swift object pool design pattern

In this quick tutorial I'll explain & show you how to implement the object pool design pattern using the Swift programming language.

· 10 min read

UITableView tutorial in Swift

This guide is made for beginners to learn the foundations of the UITableView class programmatically with auto layout in Swift.

· 3 min read

Swift 5 and ABI stability

Apple's Swift 5 language version will be a huge milestone for the developer community, let's see what are the possible benefits of it.

· 4 min read

Custom UIView subclass from a xib file

Do you want to learn how to load a xib file to create a custom view object? Well, this UIKit tutorial is just for you written in Swift.