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· 5 min read

Hummingbird routing and requests

Beginner's guide to learn all about routing and request handling using the Hummingbird server-side Swift framework.

· 5 min read

Beginner's guide to server-side Swift using the Hummingbird framework

Learn about Swift on the server by creating a simple application using the brand new HTTP server library called: Hummingbird.

· 2 min read

Running and testing async Vapor commands

In this article I'll show you how to build asynchronous Vapor commands and how to test them using ConsoleKit.

· 3 min read

Running tasks in parallel

Learn how to run tasks in parallel using the old-school tools and frameworks plus the new structured concurrency API in Swift.

· 4 min read

The abstract Vapor service factory design pattern

In this tutorial I'm going to show you how you can create an abstract driver-based component for the Vapor framework.

· 7 min read

SwiftNIO tutorial - The echo server

This is a beginner's guide to learn the basics of the SwiftNIO network app framework by building a basic TCP echo server.

· 2 min read

Easy multipart file upload for Swift

Let me show you how to create HTTP requests using multipart (form data) body without a third party library. Simple solution.

· 2 min read

Utilizing Makefiles for Swift projects

In this tutorial I'll show you how to use Makefiles for server-side Swift projects to help running utility tasks in a more simple way.

· 5 min read

Lenses and prisms in Swift

Beginner's guide about optics in Swift. Learn how to use lenses and prisms to manipulate objects using a functional approach.

· 5 min read

Beginner's guide to modern generic programming in Swift

Learn the very basics about protocols, existentials, opaque types and how they are related to generic programming in Swift.

· 4 min read

Introduction to SPM artifact bundles

In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to use the new binary target related artifact bundle using the Swift package manager.

· 9 min read

Beginner's guide to Swift package manager command plugins

Learn how to create command plugins for the Swift Package Manager to execute custom actions using SPM and other tools.

· 2 min read

Swift visitor design pattern

The visitor design pattern in Swift allows us to add new features to an existing group of objects without altering the original code.

· 7 min read

Working with diffable data sources and table views using UIKit

In this tutorial we're going to build a screen to allow single and multiple selections using diffable data source and a table view.

· 4 min read

Async HTTP API clients in Swift

Learn how to communicate with API endpoints using the brand new SwiftHttp library, including async / await support.

· 4 min read

Beginner's guide to Swift arrays

Learn how to manipulate arrays in Swift like a pro. This tutorial covers lots of useful array related methods, tips and tricks.

· 7 min read

The repository pattern for Vapor 4

In this article I'm going to talk about the repository design pattern and give you a few Fluent ORM tips for your Vapor 4 app.

· 3 min read

How to use a Swift library in C

In this tutorial, we're going to build a C app by importing a Swift library and talk a bit about the Swift / C Interoperability in general.

· 5 min read

UIKit - loadView vs viewDidLoad

When to use these methods? Common questions and answers about the iOS view hierarchy including memory management.

· 8 min read

10 little UIKit tips you should know

In this article I've gathered my top 10 favorite modern UIKit tips that I'd definitely want to know before I start my next project.

· 12 min read

Progressive Web Apps on iOS

This is a beginner's guide about creating PWAs for iOS including custom icons, splash screens, safe area and dark mode support.

· 4 min read

How to create a Swift package collection?

In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to create your own package collection from your favorite Swift libraries.

· 5 min read

How to write HTML in Swift?

This tutorial is all about rendering HTML docs using a brand new DSL library called SwiftHtml and the Vapor web framework.