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· 1 min read

Swift facade design pattern

The facade design pattern is a simplified interface over a complex subsystem. Let me show you a real quick example using Swift.

· 4 min read

Iterator design pattern in Swift

Learn the iterator design pattern by using some custom sequences, conforming to the IteratorProtocol from the Swift standard library.

· 6 min read

Generating random numbers in Swift

Learn everything what you'll ever need to generate random values in Swift using the latest methods and covering some old techniques.

· 2 min read

Swift adapter design pattern

Turn an incompatible object into a target interface or class by using a real world example and the adapter design pattern in Swift.

· 5 min read

Swift dependency injection design pattern

Want to learn the Dependency Injection pattern using Swift? This tutorial will show you how to write loosely coupled code using DI.

· 11 min read

Ultimate Grand Central Dispatch tutorial in Swift

Learn the principles of multi-threading with the GCD framework in Swift. Queues, tasks, groups everything you'll ever need I promise.

· 1 min read

Swift delegate design pattern

The delegate design pattern is a relatively easy way to communicate between two objects through a common interface, protocol in Swift.

· 1 min read

UICollectionView data source and delegates programmatically

In this quick UIKit tutorial I'll show you how to create a simple UICollectionView without Interface Builder, but only using Swift.

· 5 min read

Mastering iOS auto layout anchors programmatically from Swift

Looking for best practices of using layout anchors? Let's learn how to use the iOS autolayout system in the proper way using Swift.

· 1 min read

Swift command design pattern

This time I'm going to show you a behavioral pattern. Here is a little example of the command design patten written in Swift.

· 1 min read

Swift prototype design pattern

The prototype design pattern is used to create clones of a base object, so let's see some practical examples written in Swift.

· 1 min read

Comparing factory design patterns

Learn what's the difference between static factory, simple factory, factory method and abstract factory using the Swift language.

· 1 min read

Swift abstract factory design pattern

Let's combine factory method with simple factory voilá: here is the abstract factory design pattern written in Swift language!

· 1 min read

Swift factory method design pattern

The factory method design pattern is a dedicated non-static method for hiding the creation logic of an object. Let's make it in Swift!

· 1 min read

Swift simple factory design pattern

This time let's talk about the simple factory design pattern to encapsulate object creation in a really simple way using Swift.

· 2 min read

Swift static factory design pattern

In this article I'll teach you about the static factory design pattern and show some use cases using the Swift programming language.

· 3 min read

Swift builder design pattern

Learn how to implement the builder pattern in Swift to hide the complexity of creating objects with lots of individual properties.

· 4 min read

Swift singleton design pattern

Singleton is the most criticized design pattern of all time. Learn the proper way of using Swift singleton classes inside iOS projects.

· 3 min read

How to use iCloud drive documents?

Learn how to sync files and data through a shared iCloud drive folder using the latest version of Swift programming language.

· 6 min read

UIColor best practices in Swift

Learn what are color models, how to convert hex values to UIColor and back, generate random colors, where to find beautiful palettes.

· 5 min read

iOS custom transition tutorial in Swift

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to replace the push, pop and modal animations with custom transitions & percent driven interactions.

· 12 min read

Ultimate UICollectionView guide with iOS examples written in Swift

Learn how to use UICollectionView, with highly reusable UIKit components and some MVVM pattern without the going nuts with index path calculations.

· 9 min read

The ultimate VIPER architecture tutorial

Learn how to write scalable iOS code using the VIPER architecture with some MVVM and MVC tricks and coordinators in mind.

· 3 min read

Networking examples for appleOS

Learn how to use Bonjour, with UDP/TCP sockets, streams and how to communicate through CoreBluetooth or the watch APIs.