30 posts
Running and testing async Vapor commands
In this article I'll show you how to build asynchronous Vapor commands and how to test them using ConsoleKit.
The abstract Vapor service factory design pattern
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how you can create an abstract driver-based component for the Vapor framework.
The repository pattern for Vapor 4
In this article I'm going to talk about the repository design pattern and give you a few Fluent ORM tips for your Vapor 4 app.
How to write HTML in Swift?
This tutorial is all about rendering HTML docs using a brand new DSL library called SwiftHtml and the Vapor web framework.
The future of server side Swift
What's going to happen with Swift on the Server in 2022? Distributed actors, Vapor 5, some predictions and wishes.
Building a global storage for Vapor
This tutorial is about a shared global storage that you can implement using a common design pattern in Vapor 4.
Beginner's guide to the async/await concurrency API in Vapor & Fluent
Learn how to convert your existing EventLoopFuture based Vapor server app using the new async/await Swift feature.
Declarative unit tests for Vapor
Learn how to test your server side Swift backend app in a declarative style using a lightweight library called Spec.
How to design type safe RESTful APIs using Swift & Vapor?
Learn to make proper data transfer objects for CRUD operations and integrate them both into the client and server side API layer.
File upload API server in Vapor 4
Learn how to build a very simple file upload API server using Vapor 4 and URLSession upload task on the client side.
AJAX calls using Vapor 4
Learn how to implement Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) calls using Leaf templates and Vapor 4 as a server.
File upload using Vapor 4
Learn how to implement a basic HTML file upload form using the Leaf template engine and Vapor, all written in Swift of course.
Swift on the Server in 2020
Why choose Swift as a backend language in 2020? What are the available frameworks to build your server? Let me guide you.
10 short advices that will make you a better Vapor developer right away
As a beginner server side Swift developer you'll face many obstackles. I'll show you how to avoid the most common ones.
How to store keys in env files?
In this tutorial I'll show you how to save and load secret keys as base64 encoded strings using dotenv files in Vapor 4.
Table joins in Fluent 4
In this quick tutorial I'm going to show you how to join and query database models using the Fluent ORM framework in Vapor 4.
Websockets for beginners using Vapor 4 and Vanilla JavaScript
Learn how to create a websocket server using Swift & Vapor. Multiplayer game development using JavaScript in the browser.
Sign in with Apple using Vapor 4
A complete tutorial for beginners about how to implement the Sign in with Apple authentication service for your website.
Server side Swift projects inside Docker using Vapor 4
Learn how to setup Vapor 4 projects inside a Docker container. Are you completely new to Docker? This article is just for you.
All about authentication in Vapor 4
Learn how to implement a user login mechanism with various auth methods using sessions, JWTs, written in Swift only.
A generic CRUD solution for Vapor 4
Learn how to build a controller component that can serve models as JSON objects through a RESTful API written in Swift.
The anatomy of Vapor commands
Learn how to build and run your existing Vapor apps using various command line arguments, flags and environments.
How to use middlewares in Vapor 4?
Learn how to create middlewares for a Vapor based server side Swift application to handle common routing functionalities.
How to write Swift scripts using the new Command API in Vapor 4?
Shell scripts are essentials on the server side. Learn how to build Swift scripts for your backend apps using property wrappers.
Get started with the Fluent ORM framework in Vapor 4
Learn how to use the Fluent ORM framework. Migrations, schemas, relations powered by PostgreSQL, written in Swift.
How to set up pgSQL for Fluent 4?
This is a tutorial for beginners about using PostgreSQL. I'll show you how to automatically backup and restore the database.
Beginner's guide to Server side Swift using Vapor 4
Learn how to build and host your very first backend application using Vapor 4 and the brief history of server side Swift.
A simple HTTP/2 server using Vapor 4
Get started with server-side Swift using the Vapor 4 framework. Learn how to build a really simple HTTP/2 backend server.
What's new in Vapor 4?
Vapor is the most popular server side Swift web application framework. This time we'll cover what's new in Vapor 4.
Asynchronous validation for Vapor
Learn how to validate input data using an async technique. Unified request validation API for your server side Swift app.